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Yuhao Wang

SQZ PI(July 2020 to present)
THU Assistant Professor


Shanghai Qi Zhi Institute PI, Assistant Professor at IIIS, Tsinghua.

Yuhao obtained a Bachelor's degree in Automation from the Department of Automation at Tsinghua University, and a Ph.D. from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, with Caroline Uhler as doctoral advisor. After completing the Ph.D., worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Statistical Laboratory in the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics at the University of Cambridge, under the supervision of Rajen Shah.

Research Direction

Causal inference via data combination

Estimation of causal effects via combining observational and experimental data

Long term causal inference

Estimation of long term causal effect of a policy or medical treatment


7. Lin Liu, Yuhao Wang, Root-n consistent semiparametric learning with high-dimensional nuisance functions under minimal sparsity, 2023 查看PDF

6. Xin Lu, Fan Yang, Yuhao Wang, Debiased Regression Adjustment in Completely Randomized Experiments with Moderately High-dimensional Covariates, 2023 查看PDF

5. Xin Lu, Fan Yang, Yuhao Wang, Asymptotic Theory of the Best-Choice Rerandomization using the Mahalanobis Distance, 2023 查看PDF

4. Alexandra Carpentier, Olivier Collier, Laetitia Comminges, Alexandre B. Tsybakov, Yuhao Wang, Estimation of the l2-norm and testing in sparse linear regression with unknown variance, Bernoulli, 2022 查看PDF

3. Madeline Navarro, Yuhao Wang, Antonio G. Marques, Caroline Uhler, Santiago Segarra, Joint inference of multiple graphs from matrix polynomials, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2022 查看PDF

2. Yuhao Wang, Xinran Li, Rerandomization with Diminishing Covariate Imbalance and Diverging Number of Covariates, Annals of Statistics, 2022 查看PDF

1. Liam Solus, Yuhao Wang, Caroline UhlerConsistency Guarantees for Greedy Permutation--Based Causal Inference Algorithms, Biometrika, 2021 查看PDF